Sunday, July 4, 2010

Signpainter's Daughter Takes a Stab at Fencing!

Well, now that I got your attention you can see the latest fruits of our labour here on Gabriola. I have been hard at work getting the signage up for Feedlot Studios. Popzz Paterson was really impressed, but was also quick to point out that I got the heavy downstroke reversed on the U of THANK YOU. Oh well..I tried my best.

Meanwhile in the studio, Bryan had a far less glamorous, but way more important task of working on the electricals. DJ Electric (Dennis) handled the big stuff, but Bryan has been a trooper whilst installing the track lighting in the gallery and readjusting the receptacles before the drywallers come next week. Many thanks to our next door neighbor's Doug and Val for answering our many building questions and informing us as to what a soffit is.

ALSO, Thanks Bill Miner for all your handy dandy tips and references to such swell folk. We hope you are getting a good commission out of them.

Ciao for now!


  1. Mariko and Bryan, I was just wondering about you today thinking that
    you guys must be busy, busy! It's great to see the evidence. Happy drywalling!

  2. Looking great guys!!
    have a fabulous week
    LOve Neil & Heather
